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How do I submit a complaint about spam or improper use of a TransIP client?

TransIP clients are prohibited from sending spam via the TransIP network or to use the services offered by TransIP in connection with spam, phishing, fraud, hacking, etc.

We encourage all our clients to contact us about any forms of abuse they encounter. Complaints can be sent to the following e-mail address Your complaint will be handled within several hours and ultimately by the next day. Please keep your message as concise as possible.

When reporting e-mail abuse or spam please include the full e-mail headers of the spam message, as we cannot conduct an investigation without this information.

Please take into account that for reasons of privacy we will not always be able to tell you what measures we can take against a client. We may also need additional time to gather evidence or for legal counsel. Every complaint is, however, taken seriously and investigated accordingly.

If you encounter anything that may point to criminal activity, please contact your local police department immediately. You can also forward us the number assigned to your case by the police so that we can use this information if we decide to initiate proceedings.

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