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    The test URL

    Each Web Hosting package contains a unique 'test URL'. The test URL is an address on the web that allows you to view the website on your Web Hosting package before it's actually published.

    This can be particularly useful for working on a new website or transferring your website to TransIP with as little downtime as possible, which we explain in further detail below:

    Creating a new website on a Web Hosting package

    When registering a domain name and adding a Web Hosting package in the process, the domain will automatically use the TransIP settings. This means the DNS will automatically point to the Web Hosting package of your domain name. If you navigate to your domain name when using the TransIP settings, the website on your Web Hosting package will be shown.

    Imagine the following scenario: You have a domain name without a Web Hosting package that points to external hosting using DNS. This means that Advanced domain settings is enabled, as you had to configure the DNS to point to this website yourself.

    You then decide to create a new website at TransIP, so you've added a Web Hosting package to your domain name. We will not automaticallty change your domain name's DNS to point to your Web Hosting package, as we wouldn't want your current website to go down.

    This is where the test URL comes into play. Even though your domain name points to your current website, the Web Hosting package is active as well. This means you can start building your new website on the Web Hosting package and view its progress using the test URL, without interfering with your current website.

    Once you've finished building your website and you're pleased with how it looks, you can configure the DNS of your domain name to point to your Web Hosting package. Afterwards, your new website on your Web Hosting package will be shown when visiting your domain name.

    Transferring your website to TransIP

    The test URL is particularly suited for transferring your website to TransIP. In order to transfer your website, you will first need to request a transfer of the corresponding domain name with an incorrect authorization code. During the transfer you select a Web Hosting package.

    By requesting your transfer this way, the transfer of your domain name will be requested, but not completed. The Web Hosting package will become active however, enabling you to upload the files of your website to it. You can then use the test URL to see how your website looks on the Web Hosting package.

    Once the website has been succesfully transfered to your Web Hosting package, you can enter the correct authorization code via your control panel to actually transfer your domain name. Afterwards, both your domain name and your website will be succesfully transfered to TransIP!

    For a step by step guide on transferring your website to TransIP, we recommend using the article 'Transferring your website to a Web Hosting package at TransIP'.

    The article goes into detail about transferring your website with as little downtime as possible

    Using the TransURL

    After ordering a Web Hosting package, we will send you an email containing important information regarding your Web Hosting, including your very own test URL.

    Your TransURL will always start with an unique code based on your domain name, followed by For instance, if your domain name uses a Web Hosting package, your test URL could be

    You can view the unique code in your control panel by logging in to the control panel and clicking 'Shared Hosting' in the menu. Next, select your domain below 'Products'.

    Next, click on 'Site' at the top of the screen, followed by 'SFTP/SSH'. You will now see your SFTP and SSH details. Copy the line below 'Host' and replace 'ssh' with 'site' to get your test URL.

    When navigating to your test URL, you will see the progress you've made on your website even if your domain isn't pointing to your Web Hosting package yet.For that reason, we recommend using the test URL for creating new websites and transferring websites.

    The test URL can not be disabled, but will also not be indexed. This means it will not be visible unless you link to it directly.

    Please note that if you use a reference to the test URL in your live environment or use an XML sitemap plugin, the test URL may be indexed.

    The test URL can only be used for the root domain, it is not possible to use for sub domains.

    Using the test URL on a WordPress website


    Becasue WordPress uses an internal setting to determine the URL of a website, an addidtional step is required to use the test URL for WordPress websites.

    When transferring a website, you want to avoid WordPress redirecting you to the old hoster. This is something that may happen when you try to log in to the WordPress dashboard.

    To change this, the following lines need to be added to the wp-config.php file (in the root folder of your website). Add these lines above the line that says '/* That's all, stop editing! Happy publishing. */':

    define('WP_SITEURL', 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
            define('WP_HOME', 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);

    Do note that you may possibly encounter an error message when visiting the test URL, because SSL does not work on it. You can ignore this by pressing 'Continue' in your browser.

    It is important to delete these lines again when your website is fully transferred, so WordPress can manage these options again.


    This article discussed the test URL and how to optimally use this feature to view the progress of the website on your Web Hosting package.

    If you have any questions regarding this article, please contact our support team. You can reach them using the 'Contact us' button below or via the 'Contact' button inside your control panel.

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