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    Privacy and proxy services prohibited on .nl domains

    The use of privacy or proxy services has not been allowed for .nl domain names for some time. A privacy or proxy service is a service used to shield the identity of a user or owner of a domain name.

    When registering a domain name, certain details (such as company name and email address) are publicly available in the WHOIS by default. A privacy service hides this information by displaying the details of a middleman instead.

    Why is it not allowed?

    The use of a privacy or proxy service makes it difficult to determine who has authority over a domain name. Since the person listed in the WHOIS is legally the owner, in case of a dispute over the domain name, the middleman has authority over the domain name, even though they are not actually the owner.

    To prevent such situations, SIDN, the registry for .nl domain names, has decided to prohibit the use of these privacy or proxy services for some time now. As an exception, a domain name may temporarily be registered in the name of a registrar or reseller, but it must then not be active in the DNS.

    Another goal of this policy is to reduce domain name abuse. When only an owner is listed in the WHOIS, rather than a middleman, it becomes easier to verify the identity of a domain holder.

    Do you still want to keep your name and email address hidden in the WHOIS and have a valid reason for it? You can request an exception via an opt-out request via SIDN.

    Should you have any questions left regarding this article, do not hesitate to contact our support department. You can reach them via the ‘Contact us’ button at the bottom of this page.

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