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    What is TransNoc?

    TransNOC is the status page for current disruptions in our infrastructure. If there are disruptions, you will find the current status and updates on the TransNOC page when more is known about the nature or duration of the disruption. Once a disruption is over, it will also be reported on the TransNOC page.

    If our website is not accessible, you can still find the status on the TransNOC page. 

    Disruptions that specifically affect your services will always be reported via email to the known email address in your account. Make sure you have checked 'Maintenance and disruption notifications' under Communication Preferences in ‘My Account’.


    If your own service is not accessible due to incorrect configuration, send a message to our supporters via your control panel or the 'Contact Us' button at the bottom of this page.

    Suspect there is a disruption? Always check the TransNOC page to see if it has already been mentioned. Of course, you can also report a (network) disruption to us. 

    If you still have questions after reading this article, please contact our support department. You can reach them via the 'Contact Us' button at the bottom of this page.

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